
【And so what!?】(F40号油彩)

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新品 100,000円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :73562252 発売日 2024/07/18 定価 100,000円 型番 73562252

【And so what!?】(F40号油彩)

【And so what!?】(Campus size F40 made by oil painting) Why do human beings thirst for art? There are various kinds of entertainment: an pretentious idol singer, a professional baseball team which you favor, makeshift entertainment, and so on. And so what?! Although this leisure is fun, but people don"t feel alive and feel somehow emptiness. One need the feeling of being alive but cannot feel that one really participate in them. This is a form of self-absence and today"s art plays a valuable role in this situation.   Once upon a time, human beings created various things including tools from trees and making crops from soil. Mankind is said to be a “homo faber”. However, modern people are ceasing to create by themselves, and they are losing their true nature. Nobody is aware of these contradictions. Modern humans don"t have continuous development nor recession. They remain in parallel lines. They are dragged by contemporary inertia, gradually eroding through a sense of alienation. Many men are most likely to do so. They are only doing well while being deceived. Modern people manage to fit this society but the whole condition spoils people’s true nature. Moreover, a creative greed that was continued to be depressed produces surreal dreams repeatedly in search of an outlet under the subconscious.   Exactly, these are symptoms of the “end-stage”. Don’t run away from this situation!
Don’t cheat yourself! Now is the time that you should intensely push out your own feelings, objections and complaints through your artworks. The whole image has been put forward by many contradictions. But as long as it is relative to the feelings of people today, even if it is beyond understanding, your artworks can INSPIRE the viewers.
Your artworks will remind the people to be thirsty for creating something that we have almost forgotten and revived the human’s true nature. This is just the role of contemporary art, and I believe that there is also a duty for me, as a bearer of spiritual culture.     【And so what!?】(F40号油彩)
作られたアイドル、ごひいきのプロ野球チーム、適当な余暇…。楽しいが空しく、自己不在のまま時を重ねる。 今日の芸術には、このような状態に対して重要な役割を果たしている。 かつて人間は、木から道具を土から作物を作るなど、多くの物を創造してきた。 それ故に、人間は、ホモファーベルと言われる。 しかしながら、現代人は、自ら創造することを放棄しつつ、人間としての全体性を失いつつある。 だが誰もこの矛盾に気づいていない。 あえて矛盾を引き出さない人間には、発展も後退もなく平行線のまま、現代的惰性に引きずられ、疎外感にむしばまれていく。
多くは皆そうである。ごまかしながらうまくやっているに過ぎない。 しかも、押えられ続けた創造欲は、そのはけ口を求めてシュールな夢の再生産を潜在意識下で繰り返す。正に末期の症状だ。 逃げてはならない。ごまかしてはならない。 今こそ、その非力を以って、強烈に自分の何かを押し出すべき時なのだ。 多くの矛盾を携えて打ち出された全体像が、今日の生活感情に合ったものであれば、たとえ現時点において理解を越えた芸術であっても、見る者を触発しないではおかないでしょう。 これこそが、今日的な芸術の役割であり、精神文化の担い手としての義務でもあると信じる。




